Snowstorm Privacy Policy

In this policy, we describe how we are processing your personal data as an entity with responsibilities and roles which may be considered that of a data controller, and how you as an individual can exercise your rights when interacting with our products and services. As a privacy-conscious company, we strive to do our best to protect your privacy and only process personal data when absolutely required to conduct business, and when doing so, in accordance with the GDPR and other applicable legislation.

Policy overview

It is our policy to avoid storing any activity logs or metadata and to have as minimal data retention as possible. However, in some situations we might process your personal data if you, for example, are making payments by Stripe or are sending an email or reporting a problem.


Payment information are processed for the purpose of providing you with the service we offer, to pay out refunds and for accounting purposes. The processing of payment data for the first two purposes are based on a legitimate interest where our rights to process the data for such interest overrides your rights to your personal data. Payment information processed for accounting purposes are necessary for the compliance of a legal obligation to which we are subject.

Support and problem report

The processing of emails for the purposes of answering questions, resolving problems, and providing general support to customers may require processing of personal data. Snowstorm can access provided personal data below through our payment service providers, but that does not necessarily mean that Snowstorm is storing the data anywhere else than via that service or integration. See our No-logging of user activity policy for more details about what data we store.


There are multiple payment processing options available to you, one of them is Stripe. Some of the information involved with Stripe processing include: Stripe customer id, customer email, customer name, card expire date, last 4 digits of the card, card type, address, and origin country. In Stripe payments, SNOWSTORM INC will be included in the "message" field of the transaction.

Support and problem reports

For support by email, your email address and other information which you have written in the email.

App telemetry

Snowstorm does not use app telemetry.

How long is the personal data saved?

The time periods for which the personal data will be saved are the following:

Stripe payment data

Credit card info, Stripe customer email and payment addresses are stored indefinitely within Stripe to support refunds, resolve transaction issues, and provide customer service for the services we offer. The Stripe customer email (the email address the purchase was made with), the Stripe customer id and the Stripe subscription id are stored indefinitely by Snowstorm in order to support refunds, resolve transaction issues, and provide customer service for the services we offer.

Support and problem report

After "solving" or "closing" a support case/problem report, all related emails/problem reports are archived (removed from the inbox). After six months, all emails/problem reports sent to our support address are automatically, permanently erased (from inbox, deleted items, sent items, trash, and archives).

Third-party recipients

Your personal data will only be shared with third party suppliers who are performing services on our behalf and for the purposes stated above. The categories of such recipients are email service providers and payment solution suppliers.

Is any transfer of data made to any other countries?

No. We only store your personal data within the USA. If transfer to a third country occurs in exceptional cases, we will ensure that there is a legal basis for such a transfer and provide you with necessary information.

Automated decision making

No automated decision making (including profiling) takes place.

The rights of individuals

You have the right, in certain situations, to request us to correct or delete incorrect personal data regarding you and/or limit the processing. You also have the right to request for a copy of your personal data and a registry extract. However, we cannot give out payment data since the purpose of the processing of the payment data do not require identification of the data subject and would require disproportionate effort for us to further acquire or process additional information to identify the data subject (article 11 in the GDPR).

The registry extract and the copy of personal data will be provided to the data subject (if the personal data are not subject to article 11 in the GDPR) without undue delay and in any event within one month of receipt of the request. If the request is particularly complex or if we receive an excessive number of those requests, the period may be extended where necessary. In this event we will inform the data subject of any such extension within one month of receipt the request together with the reason for the delay.

Where the legal basis for the processing is based on a weighing of interests you are as a data subject entitled to object at any time to the processing of your data.

If you are displeased with our processing of your personal data, please contact us: privacy [at] If you would like to exercise your rights, please contact privacy [at] for more information.

Please note that exercising some rights may limit our ability to provide support that requires such information, for example issuing a refund or finding a lost account. We are also unable to approve some request due to legal requirements or that the processing of personal data might be based on a legal basis to which the right does not apply.

Data controller contact information Contact: privacy [at]


This Privacy policy may be updated from time to time and, in such case, a new version will be published on the official Snowstorm website.